Sacred Containers (Or, how I became an LMT, Part 2)

Last week, I wrote a bit about how I got introduced to bodywork as a part of my own healing journey several years ago. This time, I want to tell you about a profound shift in my life, from high tech sales executive to bodyworker. 

While working as a sales guy in the tech sector, it became clear that it wasn't a sustainable career path for me. Counting all the ways in which it was a bad fit could fill a couple of books that you don't want to read! Sparing you those details, suffice it to say I began asking myself hard questions: if I'm gonna switch careers, what will be sustainable over the long haul? Something I'm drawn to that is engaging and flexible, can evolve with me over time, and that won't make me long for retirement? What career is a good fit for my worldview? Does such a thing even exist?

These questions perplexed and bewitched me, and I mulled them over for several years. There may have even been a false start or two in other directions!

And then I met a couple of dudes, more or less my own age, who had been bodyworkers for their entire careers, and a lightbulb went on. Back when I was first receiving massage to treat my back pain, I briefly considered pursuing it as a career, but at that time I just couldn't conceive of it -- all of the LMTs I knew were women! Not to mention, I was too immature at the time to see myself in a healing profession.

As it turns out, not only did I need some exposure to business concepts (thank you, insane career in high tech!), my worldview and my self-concept needed to evolve significantly as well.

My journey has taken me from uptight, conservative and fearful along a road to open, inclusive and healing. One of the only things I can say with any certainty is that this journey has just begun and will continue through the rest of my life. In its own way, bodywork was one of the gateways to expanding my consciousness and propelling me along this path.

I have long believed that our bodies are sacred containers for our stories. Our bodies are our holy writ, our journals, our bibles, fables, vedas -- the connection between mind, body and spirit is profound and mysterious, and for profound and mysterious reasons, often requires professional intervention to make peace between warring factions.

It is my privilege to participate in the healing journey of my clients through this work. 

I'm grateful that you're here, and thank you for reading! Now please, go book a session! :)